Editorial policy and instructions for authors

Translated from:
Organisation de la revue et instructions aux autrices et auteurs

Editorial policy

Each issue of Éclats focuses on a specific issue as chosen by the editorial board. All disciplines in the humanities are represented with an emphasis on ancient and modern languages, linguistics, information and communication sciences, and performing arts.

Each issue includes up to 9 sections:

  • Refeered articles on a specific topic
  • Interviews with specialists of the chosen topic
  • Book reviews
  • Doctoral candidates’ testimonies about their current work, methods and practices
  • Interview with a member of the corporate world
  • Interview with an artist presenting his/her/their work
  • Translation of an academic article into French
  • Reviews of scientific events from LECLA doctoral school
  • Varia: referred contributions outside of the chosen topic.

Peer Review Policy

Submissions to Éclats should be original work that has not been simultaneously submitted to any other publication. Research articles are first reviewed by the editorial board before moving on to double-blind review by two experts in the field. We aim to notify authors of our decision within six months after submission. Once accepted, essays go through at least one additional round of revision in cooperation with the sub-editor. Articles are typically published within a year of acceptance.

Sections such as interviews with specialists of the chosen topic, book reviews, doctoral candidates’ testimonies about their current work, methods and practices, interview with a member of the corporate world, interview with an artist presenting his/her/their work, translation of an academic article into French, and reviews of scientific events from LECLA doctoral school are not peer-reviewed.

Éclats follows the COPE Practices: the journal is especially attentive to potential conflicts of interest, intellectual property, peer review processes, post-publications corrections. Potential contributors are invited to query the Editor about any remaining issue.

Instruction to authors

Contributions should be written in MS Word (.doc or .docx) Times new Roman and should follow these guidelines before being considered for peer-review:

  • Title
  • First name and surname of the contributor (those will be deleted for the reviewers)
  • Mail address (will be deleted for the reviewers)
  • Institutional affiliation (will be deleted for the reviewers)
  • A short presentation of the contributor’s work (not exceeding 500 signs including spaces) (will be deleted for the reviewers)
  • A summary of the article in French and in English (not exceeding 600 signs, spaces included)
  • 6 keywords in French and in English
  • The text of the contribution (between 10,000 and 35,000 signs
  • A bibliography of the contribution
  • A table of figures if necessary

Contributions should be written in correct French and follow the rules of the Lexique des règles typographiques en usage à l’imprimerie nationale. French punctuation rules apply.

Inclusive writing may be used for all contributions provided it is used consistently throughout the text.

Quotations of over 3 lines should be 1-centimenter indented; other quotations should be placed within inverted commas. Quotations within quotations should be placed within double inverted commas.

Quotations in foreign languages ought to be in italics and a translation into French should be provided within parentheses.


References can be given either in footnotes or in the text body within parentheses (author, date, page).


Contributors are invited to refer to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (author-date).


Illustrations must be sent with the contribution in.jpg ou .tiff format. Contributors should make sure of clearing copyright issues before submitting articles.

Specific instructions for reviews of scientific events

Authors should have obtained the authorization to review the event from the convenors. Reviews of scientific events (conferences, seminars, one-day conferences, webinars) are signed, with the author’s institutional affiliation and electronic address mentioned. Reviews are original and must not have been published or submitted elsewhere. Copyright for illustrations must be cleared before publication. Illustrations should be in.jpg ou .tiff format.

Sending your contribution

  • All contribution should use.doc ou .docx format. Files should follow the following model: INITIALESDELAUTRICEOUAUTEUR_TitreContribution_ECLATS (no spaces).
    Eg: JV_EnjeuxDeLaRechercheDuTempsRetrouve_ECLATS.doc
  • Illustrations should be both inserted within the text body and sent in JPEG or TIFF format in a separate file labelled as follows INITIALESDELAUTRICEOUAUTEUR_TitreContribution_placeDansArtice_ECLATS.
    Eg: JV_EnjeuxRechercheTempsRetrouve_illus3_ECLATS.jpg
  • All documents should be sent in a ZIP file labelled as follows: INITIALESDELAUTRICEOUAUTEUR_TitreContribution_ECLATS.
    Eg : JV_EnjeuxDeLaRechercheDuTempsRetrouve_ECLATS.zip

Please feel free to contact the journal’s editor if you have further queries.


Licence CC BY 4.0