Instructions for authors

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Recommandations aux auteurs

Soin, Sens et Santé publishes original, unpublished scientific research papers in medical and health humanities in French or English.

All submissions should be e-mailed to the editorial office (, which will acknowledge receipt within two weeks.

Research articles should be between 45,000 and 60,000 characters long (including spaces, footnotes, and bibliography).

Articles published in the "feedback" section should not exceed 30,000 characters, including footnotes and bibliography.

Book reviews should be at most 6,000 characters and should not include footnotes.

All research articles, whether published in the thematic section or the "Varia" section, must include the following information:

  • title and subtitle, if applicable
  • author's first and last name, academic rank, affiliation (name of the research unit, then affiliation(s), in that order, on a single line);
  • if the article is in French, an abstract in English, and vice versa, with a maximum length of 500 characters each (including spaces);
  • a selection of keywords in the original language and the other language;
  • Following the Chicago Manual of Style, a bibliography (of cited sources only).

Complying with typographical conventions specific to the languages used, especially regarding quotation marks and double punctuation marks, will receive particular attention.

Editorial standards

Stylistic conventions are those of the most recent version of the Chicago Manual of Style.

Submissions should be in Times Roman 12, double-spaced and left-justified.

Quotations that do not exceed three lines will be integrated into the body of the text between quotation marks in Times.

Roman 12 format. Quotations longer than three lines should be set off in Times Roman 10.

Three ellipsis points must indicate any deliberate omission of part of a quotation if the omission is in the middle of a sentence, or four if the omission concerns a complete sentence after the end of the previous one.

Quotations borrowed from a language other than the one in which the article is written must be translated to be integrated into the argument, and the original must appear in a footnote.

Tables or representations used during the argument should be captioned in continuous Arabic numerals: "Table 1", "Figure 2", etc. Numbers below 10 should be written in Arabic.

Numbers under ten should be spelled out. Depending on the language in which the article is written, figures with decimals, particularly percentages, should follow the usual presentation rules.

Dates and centuries should be written in Arabic numerals, with superscript -th suffixes: 19th century. 20th century periods should not be compressed: 1950s.

Words in the text in a language other than the original, especially Latin phrases, are indicated in italics.

Titles and intertitles must be clearly identified and presented as follows:

  • level 1 title: small caps (title)
  • level 2 title: italics (title)
  • level 3 heading: standard (heading)


Footnotes should be used to refer to sources cited during the argument.

Each note must be generated using the "footnote" function of the text software used. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively, with each number in superscript. Acknowledgments, if any, should appear in the very first note.

It is not advisable to use several notes in the same sentence.

Each note referencing a source for the first time should include :

  • - the first name and surname of the author of the source, the person responsible for the publication, the translation, etc.; in the case of multiple authors, use et al. for more than three;
  • - the full title of the source (and, where applicable, the subtitle), between quotation marks if it is an article, a short story, etc., in italics if it is a book, a collection, etc. The rules for punctuating titles, which differ in French and English, must be respected;
  • - for books only, the place of publication, the publisher, and the year of publication; for articles only, the volume number and the year of publication (if applicable, the season or month);
  • - the page(s) of the source from which the quotation is taken.
  • In subsequent references, only provide the name, an abbreviated version of the title, and the pagination. The use of Ibid, op. cit. (etc.) is not recommended.

The bibliography of articles and works cited should appear at the end of the article. It should be arranged alphabetically, with the author's name first, followed by their first name, and the usual bibliographical indications (cf. above). For articles, the overall pagination will be given.

Tables and figures

Before submitting an article with images, the author must ensure that they have permission to reproduce them from their author or owner or that their reproduction complies with current intellectual property regulations.


The use of data must comply with the European RGPD.

Articles not formatted following the instructions will be returned to the authors for editing.

Droits d'auteur

Licence CC BY 4.0