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Présentation de la revue

Savoirs en lien is a digital journal of human sciences. Coming from the CPTC research team (Centre Pluridisicplinaire Textes et Cultures, UR4871) of the University of Burgundy, it brings together specialists in French literature, comparative literature, linguistics, ancient culture, history and philosophy to analyze a topical issue. The approach is therefore intended to be interdisciplinary and intersecular : the knowledge of the past sheds light on the questions of the present and the plurality of methods allows a fruitful confrontation of reflections.

Each year, a thematic dossier including 10 and 15 articles analyzes the chosen question and offers a variety of concepts and interpretations likely to better shed light on the issues at the center of the dossier. The contributions, with an average length of 40,000 characters, take the form of articles or audio and video media. All have been the subject of a double blind evaluation by a reading committee set up upstream and bringing together specialists, outside the University of Burgundy, from all the disciplines concerned by the journal.

This dossier is supplemented from time to time by “Varia” and reviews, under the responsibility of the editorial team.

The majority language is French, but Savoirs en lien aims for an international dimension, or at least extended to all French-speaking countries.


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