Call for contributions to Soin, Sens et Santé

Varias, reviews, feedback and translations of seminal or recent articles published in English

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Appel à contributions pour la revue Soin, Sens et Santé

The journal Soin, Sens et Santé. An International Journal of the Health Humanities aims to provide a scientific publication space for medical and health humanities work. It publishes original research articles in French or English, reviews of scientific content (books, podcasts, etc.), and feedback from experience.

The journal is committed to providing diverse publication opportunities, and we encourage researchers to submit various types of contributions.


The magazine publishes research articles with a medical humanities approach or theme. Articles published in the "varias" category must meet the same criteria as thematic articles. They must include:

  • a title, possibly with a subtitle;
  • the author's first and last name, academic rank and affiliation (name of the research unit, then affiliation(s), in that order, on a single line);
  • if the article is in French, an abstract in English, and vice versa, with a maximum length of 500 characters each (including spaces);
  • a selection of keywords in the original language and the other language;
  • a bibliography (of cited sources only) following the Chicago Manual of Style. Feedback.

The magazine publishes feedback on research, interdisciplinary projects, and the transfer of research into teaching, with methodologies or themes that fall within the scope of the medical and health humanities. Articles published in the "feedback" section should not exceed 30,000 characters, including footnotes and a bibliography.


The journal also welcomes French translations of seminal or recent texts published in English. These should be preceded by a contextual note indicating the original article's place in the medical and health humanities field and the issues involved in translating the article (keywords, concepts, or expressions). The translation author must ensure they are authorized (by the author or publisher) to translate the article.

Book reviews

The magazine publishes reviews of scientific works and welcomes reviews of alternative formats for disseminating knowledge, such as podcasts, comic strips, graphic productions, and blogs.

We offer a list of recent books in French or English that are available for review (open access or access provided by the journal). Free reviews are also accepted, and thematic reviews are welcome.

Reviews should not exceed 6,000 characters and should not include footnotes.

Open access

Bajeux C., 2024. Soigner la virilité. Une histoire de la santé masculine, BHMS.

Blumczynski P., Wilson S. (Eds). 2023. The languages of COVID-19, translational and multilingual perspectives on global healthcare. Routledge Studies in Health Humanities.

Capps B., 2024. One Health Environmentalism. Cambridge University Press.

Carroy J., 2024. Écrire les rêves. 19-20e siècles, BHMS.

Cooper F., Dolezal L., Rose A. (Eds). 2023. Covid-19 & shame: political emotions and public health in the UK, Bloomsbury.

Drew L., 2024. The Healing Body: Creative Responses to Illness, Aging, and Affliction, Evanston: Northwestern University Press.

García-Iglesias J., Nagington M., Aggleton P., (Eds). 2024. Viral Times: Reflections on the Covid-19 and HIV Pandemics. Routledge: London.

Green S., 2024. Animal Models of Human Disease. Cambridge University Press.

Löwy I., 2024. Viruses and Reproductive Injustice. Zika in Brazil. Johns Hopkins University Press.

Manderson, L., Burke, N., Wahlberg, A. (Eds). 2021. Viral Loads: Anthropologies of urgency in the time of COVID-19. UCL Press: London.

Price M., 2024. Crip Spacetime. Access, Failure, and Accountability in Academic Life. Duke University Press.

Rey R., 2024. Écrits d’histoire de la médecine et des sciences de la vie, BHMS.

Schlak S., 2022. Black disability politics. Duke University Press.

PDF version available upon request

Lefève C., 2024. Autour de Canguilhem, Questions de soin, PUF : Paris.

Printed version available upon request

Coutellec L., Tarantini C., 2024. Essayer pour soigner. Des formes de l’expérience éthique dans le soin. Erès.

Laumier A., 2024. L'Après-coup. Temporalité de l'événement et approches critiques du trauma. Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle : Paris.


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