Editorial team and committees

Translated from:
Équipe éditoriale et comités

Editorial team

Journal director: Carle Bonafous-Murat (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle)

Editor-in-chief: Laurence Monnais (Institut des Humanités en Médecine, CHUV Lausanne)

Editorial secretaries: Agathe Camus and Claire Jeantils (Institut des Humanités en Médecine, CHUV Lausanne)

Editorial committee

The Editorial Board is responsible for publishing each issue, ensuring its editorial and scientific line is respected, and ensuring its distribution and visibility, both in France and internationally.

More specifically, the editorial board

  • defines the magazine's editorial line and ensures compliance with the editorial charter;
  • may call on guest editors to produce specific issues;
  • draws up calls for papers;
  • decides on the publication of articles submitted based on evaluation reports;
  • if necessary, approves articles after revision;
  • ensures the editorial quality and scientific level of articles submitted for publication;
  • provides names of experts for double-masked evaluations;
  • monitors the content of non-scientific and non-peer-reviewed sections;
  • may write the introduction to issues;
  • can suggest changes to the editorial line, contribute ideas for themes and new sections, and launch communication campaigns.

Editorial Board members are appointed for a 3-year term, renewable once.

The publication director and editor-in-chief are chosen from among the members of the Editorial Board.

The editorial secretaries are members of the Editorial Board.


  • Carle Bonafous-Murat (literature), Professor, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
  • Agathe Camus (philosophy), Post-Doctoral Researcher, laboratoire S2HEP, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Research Fellow at SPHERE UMR 7219
  • Peggy Cardon, Scientific Mediation Engineer, PDHD in philosophy, CNRS
  • Marie Gaille (philosophy), DR, Director of CNRS Sciences humaines & sociales, CNRS
  • Claire Jeantils (literature and medical humanities), Research Fellow, Institut des Humanités en Médecine, Switzerland.
  • Laurence Monnais (history), Professor, Institut des Humanités en Médecine, Switzerland.
  • Jean-Marc Mouillie (philosophy), MCF HDR, University of Angers, France.
  • Alain Schaffner (literature), Professor, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
  • Neil Vickers (literature and health humanities), Professor, King's College, London
  • Laurent Visier (sociology), Professor, Université de Montpellier

Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee is made up of leading international scientists working in the field of medical humanities. It is consulted on:

  • the journal’s major scientific orientations, particularly about international developments in the medical humanities,
  • changes to the editorial line
  • the themes of future issues, and the creation or deletion of new sections.

The term of office for members of the Scientific Advisory Board is three years, renewable.

The Editorial Board and Scientific Advisory Board interact regularly. They meet at least once a year, by all appropriate means, to discuss the past year's results and determine the outlook for the year ahead.

Members (2024-2027)

  • Claire Crignon, (history and philosophy of science), Professor, Université de Lorraine
  • Lucie Dalibert (philosophy of technology and medical humanities), MCF, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
  • Maria de Jesus Cabral, (French literature), Teacher-Researcher (University of Lisbon)
  • Céline Lefève, (philosophy), Professor, Université Paris Cité, co-director of the Institut La Personne en Médecine
  • Anne Simon, (philosophy) Professor and Director of Research at CNRS, ENS
  • Alexandre Wenger (history and literature), Professor, University of Geneva, Switzerland.


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